
Saturday, May 28, 2011

small sling bag~

This bag is a request from my cousin's friend. She wants a small sling in purple colour. Here it is~

She wants a bag that could fit a handphone and a note pad. I hope this bag meet the criteria she listed.

remember the flower amigurumi I made before? Kak zaza said in the comment form that the flower would be nice on a bag. Thanks Kak Zaza for the suggestion!

back view.

1 zipper pocket inside

I hope the owner would like the bag!


  1. ni mesti sling bag untuk anak remaja nih.. sbb mak remaja ni macam tak comel jer nak pakai kan.. walaupun teringin jer.. hehehehe..

    comel la purple tu.. matching plak dgn bunga ami tu.. aish... terliur...! :)

  2. hehehe...empunya beg ni umurnya 13 tahun:-)anak remaja comey2 lagi~

    cuba akak try buat n pakai, belum tentu tak comel...ntah2 lagi comey dari budak 13 tahun...hihihi

    tq kak zila~selamat ber kraf!

  3. kalau tak ada bunga RM 23.00. kalau ada bunga, Rm 29.00:-)

  4. Can u give me the pattern? Here is my email add

  5. Can u give me the pattern. Here is my email add


Tq for dropping by:-)