
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

purplicious bag

yeayy..I'm happy!

Alhamdulillah, Ajra's order is finished. It's a striped sling bag that emphasize more on purple colour. This bag is a present for her sister who did well in her SPM before. Congratulation Ajra's sister!

let's have a look on close up pictures...

The drawstring bag was made up of 4 yarn colours: cream, grey, pink and purple. Its size is about the same with tote bag, but a lil bit wider. There are flowers and bee for decoration.

dangling pink hearts...

back view: name+ladybug+flower...

Ajra also requested for maroon hearts above~

Thanks for visiting!
do come again~


  1. sangat delicious..

    cantik la heart awak.. akak try buat heart juga..tapi x jadi.. benjang benjong.. hahahaha... macam hati ayam la pulak.. hahahaha..

  2. tq akak:-)

    takpe, akak try buat lg ye..practise make perfect!

    mula2 hati ayam, last2 jadi hati org lah tu..hehehe

  3. tq kakzu..cokelat2 kakzu pun comey2..geram sgt tgk..:-)

  4. cantek sgt..;).pattern hati 2 cne nk wt,ek.berkenan,xsabar nk wt 1.ehehehe..beshhnyee..

  5. yang jenis ni saya main cuba2, skali jadi...tak tulis pulak pattern dia mcm mane...

    tp cuba cari kat youtube, heart amigurumi, ada jugak org letak kat sana~


Tq for dropping by:-)