
Saturday, May 14, 2011

yesterday: of yarn and flower brooch

Yeayy..Yesterday, I got a birthday present from my beloved sister. Guess what it is? It is a box of 19 skeins of Knitwise yarns! I am so happy!!! The multicolour 8 ply yarns are VERY beautiful and yummy. There are 3 types of yarns: bluebird, cloudy, and candy. I'm loving all of them but those in bluebird tones attract me most. I love the colour so much!


There are lots of projects linger on my minds but I haven't decided on making any yet. I was thinking of making a bag for myself, as I haven't got one. The truth is; I've crocheted more than 40 bags so far, but none is mine:-)


I made a flower brooch yesterday. It's about 3.5' wide. I would call it a half flower amigurumi, because only the pistil was stuffed but the petals wasn't.

The owner of crocheted flower brooch a.k.a my superb model:-)

Thanks for reading~


  1. siyes cantik benang2 tue...jeles lak menengoknya...hehe..

    oohh..superb model ke..ingtkan amani..hihi

  2. wow!terujanya tengok yarns yg cantik2 tu!!tak sabar nak tengok amani kait bag guna benang baru ni...and also the flower's sooo nice..:)

  3. The yarns are soo yummy! envy u! =)

    The amigurumi flower is cute too on your superb model ;)

  4. tq mawaddah, kak Lia, and misfyd..

    (my superb model is blushing now:-)

  5. wah..bestnyer dapat hadiah..cantik2 lak tuh color benang dia..

  6. wow! lovely yarns! beli kat mana ni yea armani?

    and the model is pretty with the flower :)

  7. @kak zaza: best2...hehe first time dpt benang masa birthday..sebelum ni jarum kait pun tak kenal:-)

    @kak faridah: cantikkan benang ni..rasa sayang pulak nak guna.kakak saya belikan dari new zealand.

    nasib baik ada yg sudi jd model..hehhehe

  8. Wah lovely yarns!
    Lucky Amani :) Can't wait to see the coming project using these yarns..

  9. tq ery:-)

    haven't decided on what to do with those yarns yet..maybe a bag..:-)

  10. wa.. bestnyer dapat present benang... best best best..

    happy belated birthday amani.. :)
    sila la crochet beg untuk diri sendiri.. :)

  11. hehhehe...
    tq kak zila...
    besday saya 7 mei,sehari lepas beday akak...

    happy belated besday too!!


Tq for dropping by:-)