
Monday, March 26, 2012

Pom Pom maker

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Introducing brand new pom pom makers for your crafting project~!! 
Quick and easy to operate, these cute and handy tools comprises of 4 sizes of pom pom makers, 2 pieces for each size. Using these cute pom pom makers, you can create a wide variety of pom poms to embellish your crochet/knitting projects or home deco items:-)

each set consists of 4 pairs of pom pom makers

Detailed instructions are printed on the package

Diameters of these pom pom makers are: 3.5cm, 5.5 cm, 7.0 cm, and 9.0 cm. 

Item descriptions:
1 set includes 4 pairs of pom pom makers
2 pieces for each sizes
Diameters: 3.5cm , 5.5 cm, 7.0 cm, and 9.0 cm.
colours: Pink, Orange, blue and green
Simple Instruction printed 
Price: RM 34.00 RM 30.00 (excluding postage)

Buy them now and have fun to create your unique decoration items~

Please fill in the order form here or email to amaniekd[at]yahoo[dot]com to order

some pom pom ideas:-)

Image from google

 Image from google


  1. askum...ermm alahai..menggoda sungguh..amani...akak nak lah satu set pom2 neh dan satu lagik benang code : marvel 0005 nak satu...and bagitau ek brp rm termasuk postage..

    terima kasih...:))

  2. w'salam..hehe comelkan set pom2 maker ni..ok akak..nanti saya emelkan detailnye ye..


  3. askum amani ..akak dah bank in dah ..terima kasih yer...haish!! dop sabor nop jumper ngan pom2 maker...

  4. w'salam..tq akak..saya dah pun pos ke alamat akak:-)

  5. Olá, meu nome é Noni e meu blog é "claro". Gostei muito dos seus crochet's, são lindos trabalhos. Eu sou apaixonada por crochet e muito apaixonada pelas agulhas. Como posso fazer para comprar suas agulhas de bambu? Obrigada.

  6. Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog. If you are interested, please send an email to amaniekd[at]yahoo[dot]com. However, I only accept paypal for international buyer. thank you

  7. yg ni available dik..boleh emelkan butiran ke ya..

    Item dan bilangan yg ingin diorder, berserta nama penuh, alamat dan num tel.


  8. kalau tak mau yang 5.5 cm boleh tak? price sama kah?

  9. maaf ya hanya boleh beli dalam set semua sekali...


Tq for dropping by:-)