
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Teddy for her...

This special teddy is ordered by Shahrul, especially for Nad, his girlfriend. Yeah I know...

that's so sweet~

let me rephrase... 

that's so so sweet~!!.(^_^)

This huge amigurumi  is about the same size with teddy for Putri that I made before. Shahrul wants everything to be exactly like Putri's teddy except for the name part. He requested for a huge heart shape with his name and his girlfriend's on teddy's chest. owh let me say it again..that's so sweet!

 I hope Shahrul and Nad like this teddy~
teddy for that teddy wears a skirt, we can call her Miss Teddy!

I used KnitPro to generate a graph for heart shape and Cross stitch caption maker for the text. You can try using those sites to create your own tapestry crochet pattern. It's challenging but I swear, it's fun! 

teddy with my model:-)

Many thanks to my dear model who is more than willing to pose with miss teddy (I owe her a crocheted bag:-). Many thanks to my dear photographer a.k.a my mom too. I owe them a lot! 

Not to forget, thank you everyone for the visits and comments. I appreciate it so much and it makes me more enthusiast to update my blog more frequently~

More coming soon in 'teddy for her' part 2 and 3...stay tuned~!!


  1. wow, that's one very lovely teddy. And it's so bug. Must have been a lot of work.

  2. Lovely! And soooo hudge...
    I'm sure the cuple will love it!

  3. @sandra-thank you:-) yups a lot of work, but hard work pays off..i love the end product so much~

    @Angelique-i hope they will like miss teddy as much as i do. thank you:-)

    @linda-thank you for liking linda~

  4. Nice bear, and your model is very kind. I Love her hijaab with the little flower

  5. I made that flower for her:-) tq for liking zohra, and thanks for dropping by~

  6. a lot of people said, at my age, teddy bear seems a bit childish as they think a bouquet of flowers is better than a teddy bear... but i love teddy bear more as flowers will be drying so soon... hehehe...

    GOOD JOB, Amani... that teddy looks so cute!!!

  7. whoah...wish to get it really!really!hahaha.....anyway it is so sweeeeet!!!!

  8. @zulia-childish could make us stay young forever...while teddy bear might imply childishness, i think flowers represent maturity and sweetness:-) hehe merapu je saya. thanks zulia!

    @einz- hehe...that bear's so sweet kan...I want one too..:-)

  9. lor...ciannye...owg yg dok kait ni pun takde tok diri sendiri...wawawa.....sobs...sobs...sedihnye~hehehe....

  10. hehehe..tak sempat lg nak buat...kalau ada masa bila2 nnti boleh lh buat:-)

  11. hope ada la satu tok diri...lau tak nmpk jek hasil kejenye..huhu....pastu de nama...wah!!!bestnye!!!


Tq for dropping by:-)