Yeayyy..teddy for Putri is finished!
I thought the idea of crocheting a huge teddy bear would remain in my dreams, but I was wrong. Today, I am so proud of myself for being able to make one of a kind teddy for Putri!
Putri is the daughter of my aunt's colleague, aged 13. Her mother has seen the bear keychains I've made before and was interested with the larger version of that bear. She asked if I could make one for her beloved daughter, and without hesitation, I answered 'surely yes, I can'

back and front view
Putri's teddy is about 20 times larger than the one I've made before. The pattern is truly mine, and I believe that there are more rooms for improvement.
wah...dah pandai bt teddy bear beso plak...lawo teddy bear die.akak plak mmg peminat teddy bear.hehehe
hehe..saya sendri pun suka teddy bear jugak..rasa sayang nak bagi kat org..nasib baik ada nama putri tu..kalau x, mmg dah kebas untuk diri sendiri:-)
adoi bila la nak buat untuk diri sendiri
You did a GREAT job :)
wah tahniah amani. i'm proud about you...
thanks christa and Kak Ila:-)
tahniah amani pandai awak buat..model tu awk ke?salam pekenalan
tq kak yaati:-) model tu adik saya..hehhe
salam perkenalan juga, happy crocheting!
comel lar..dasat ar leh buat jadi besar..pasti sgt gigih...:)
tq mawaddah:-)
hehe..teruja nak siapkan...sebelum ni mmg ngidam nak buat satu, tapi tak buat2...bila ada org request, semngat naik balik..(^_^)
wah besarnya..comeil sgtttt....
hehe..besr2..boleh peluk2:-)
tq keyyah!
so thomey!!
tq yan! model dia comel tak? hehehe
amani.. kakzu pun sedang berusaha siapkan sesuatu yg besaq... jenuh aaaiiiihhhh.... keras tangan dah nie...anyway... comey bear n comey model nya
hehe..cayok2 kakzue..nanti dah siap share kat blog ya:-) teringin nak tau dah ni..hihi
wow!wow!wow!kagum betul la dgn amani ni...gigih sungguh menyiapkan super teddy bear ni...cantikk!geram nk peluk...hihi
saya sendiri pun rasa geram, lain kali boleh buat kaler pink pulak..:-)
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