This is a tutorial on how to crochet words/name/alphabets on your crochet project
Materials I'm using:
3.00 mm crochet hook
red and yellow yarns

First of all, draft the word on a graft paper, taking into account the spaces between alphabets. Please bear in mind that a single box represent 1 double crochet. (To get an accurate draft, we should draw on skinnier boxes) In this tutorial, I'm going to crochet the word 'AWIE' and my working would begin with 'E'. The arrow shows my starting point. Note that the base of 'E' consists of 7 boxes, hence 7 double crochet

step 1: double crochet as usual. At one point, wrap the yarn over, pull the yarn through 1 loop and leave another 2 loops. This is the starting point where I'm going to change yarn colour and begin crocheting the first row of 'E'.

Step 2: grab a strand of yellow yarn and pull the string through the 2 section. Tie a knot between the short yellow strand and the long red strand to secure.

step 3: double crochet. Keep the long red strand underneath the yellow strand. The red strand would be trapped inside the double crochet of yellow yarn.

step 4: 6 double crochet. wrap the yarn over, pull the yarn through 1 loop and leave another 2 loops. Now that the first row of 'E' has finished, we would change colour to red(space). Repeat step 1.

Repeat step 1 and 2 for the rest of row 2,3,4, and 5
to crochet names on kopiah, we should turn the draft paper upside down and begin working with 'A' instead of 'E'. The yellow arrow shows our starting point.

alphabet graphs can be found here :
happy crocheting everyone!
wow!it is a great tutorial!dah lama akak nak buat crochet yg ada nama ni, but tak confident dgn teknik,sekarang dah clear...hehe...thanks amani for sharing!!
hehe...harap2 jelas lah caranye ye..nanti akak dah try, tunjuk kat blog tau..nak tengok~ kalau ada apa2 yang tak jelas, bagi tau saya tau:-)
best la amani ni berkongsi tips nie...tertanya2 gak dulu2 cmner la buat alphabet nie...cantik yg amani buat..nak xtau lg bile...hehehe
hehe..try lah buat tau..nanti share kat blog ya! nak tgk hasil kamu pula:-)
baguslah amani nie sudi share ilmu. Amani nie rajin korek ilmu.
harap2 jelas lah cara nye ye:-) sharing is caring..hehe nanti akak try ye
hehehe..amani thank...nanti akak try buat akak post eh..pastu bagi komen tau..hehehe..
hehehe..ok kak zaza:-)mesti komen punye. selamat mengait!
bgusnye tutorial nie..da lme cri cne nk wt abjad kt crochet..thank you soooo muchhh!!!yayyy..!!!da bley mle..ahakz!!
hehhe..all the best!
u r very talented... umi suke tgk hasil2 amani yg cute mute ni... lps ni bole la umi cube buat huruf.. tp xtao la ble.. skrg ngh bz ngn praktikum d sklh... tq 4 sharing dear :)
slamat mencuba ya ummi:-)
n thanks for the compliment~
saya baru nk bljar crochet ttg nama nih..nk tanya kak guna benang kuning yg baru tuk setiap row atau kak hide it in between the red yarn sepanjang rows smpai siap nma?? aaa harap2 kak faham apa yg saya nk smpaikan..
kalau buat kopiah, saya hide benang dari awal sampai habis, tapi untuk projek kat atas ni (beg), saya guna benang yang baru untuk setiap row dan cut bila habis part nama.
sebabnya, beg ni ada lining, so semua yarn ends kaler kuning tu takkan nampak:-)
ooo..mcm tuh ya..thanks for taking ur time to explain it..pasnie bley la try this! =)
Grate idea! Thank you so much for sharing!
i have a quick question. in the tutorial you said to repeat steps 1 and 2, wouldn't it be steps 2 and 3? I'm kinda confused and want to make sure I'm doing it correctly. Also, when you are changing yarn colors, are you always carrying the alternate color underneath the stitch or breaking off the yarn every time and re-knotting it when you have to change colors? I have been just carrying the yarn along my work underneath the stitch but you can see the contrasting yarn color through the stitch and was wondering how you prevent that in your piece? you can't see the alternate color in yours at all and it looks so perfect.
Thanks, Jenna
Hi there,
thanks for the correction. I've just realised that it would be steps 2 and 3 instead of step 1 and 2.
regarding changing yarn colours, it depends.. For the above project (which is actually a small bag), I break off the yarn everytime and re-knotting it in every rows, because the bag got lining and all those yarn ends could not be seen..
however, if I make something that cannot be lined, a hat for example, I would hide the yarn underneath the stitch in every rows. Try to use small hook (1.75 mm for example) for this, and you will find that the contrasting yarns can't be seen anymore..
all the best!
i'm making a blanket so obviously the best thing would be to not have a million ends to tie in at the end. but what i've been doing is just carrying the yarn straight across so when i complete the stitch it traps it in the middle of the stitch, which i think is what you did for the very beginning of yours if I understand it correctly. what do you mean by using a small hook to hide the yarn? I've just been using the same size hook as for the rest of the blanket to complete these stitches as well. Is there a better way to do it?
using small hook from the very beginning of your project is the only way to hide the contrasting colour.
If you use bigger hook, there will be so much holes and obviously you can see all those contrasting colours underneath.
This is the only way to do it.
How do you keep the colors from showing through.
Would u have any advice for making a larger letter? I want to make a monster energy blanket
I don't have any advice on that.
To make larger letter, the steps are still the same, simply draft the letters that you want and keep on changing yarns whenever necessary~
this is perfect info! thank you so much! i was looking for exactly this, i am crocheting the team name SYRACUSE into a blanket, and could not figure out how to do it. i was going to do small granny squares, but then the blanket was excessively huge and i'd be crocheting for decades. (or so it would have i love this pattern and the tutorial. thanks so much for posting!
Waaaa..dh try bagai nk gila buat huruf jd pun bab nk sambung benang tu yg buat pening nk mrh je bila buat asyik tk jd..helpppp!!! nk nangis je bila buat tk jd2..geram dh ni..bab nk tukar benang tu lah yg problem sgt..helppp!@!
hehe jangan putus asa ya, aja-aja fighting!! :-)
kak nak tanya kenapa bila saya kait huruf tu jadi menyenget mcm italic..ada tips?
kena tarik sikit sis, masa tgh kait tu, control supaya dia tak senget sangat
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