Earlier this year, I made a bow ribbon to attach to a bag, but later decided not to use it. The bow ribbon was kept in a box until my sister asked for it today. She said that she wants to replace the brooch she normally use with the ribbon. I dare her to do so:-) (me myself would never wear a big bow ribbon especially on the side of my head!)
I thought she was kidding me, but she didn't! She went to a hospital for a medical check up with the ribbon attached to her head, happily. The doctor was surprised with her appearance. 'wahhh new fashion ? cantik aaa...you want to be a designer, don't you? ' (^_^)
my sister said that she would definitely wear the bow ribbon again and she even asked me to crochet a huge butterfly for the same purpose - head accessories! I'd love to make one for her (and for myself too!)