A cute bag for Iliani is finished~ a combination of pink and yellow, I would call it a 'magic bag' since it finished in 2 days~ I hope she likes it!
some close up photos..enjoy!
it's not gonna rain today!
The inside view. I noticed that the strap would easily curl up and made the bag less attractive. Now that I've hand sew linings to both strap, the problems seem to fade away~
heart keychain (From now on, a free gift of a keychain will be given to those who ordered bag with linings...) read here for more info
wanna have one? order now(^_^)
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do come again~
hehehe... lawa beg ni... warna die cantik!!
cantik sangat le beg. so cute... susah tak nak jahit lining? siap ada zip tue.
epan: hehe tq2..magic bag for someone special(*_*)
halizda: tq akak..erm..susah jugak lah sbb x brapa pandai lagi. kena tetas n jahit byk kali:-)
wow!!cantik sgt2..tergoda tengok...he2
mmg pun. akak dah siapkan beg crochet siap ada lining tapi... biasalah. terperam sbb dah malas nak layan.
lia: tq:-)
halizda: hehehe..saya pun selalu mcm tu, terutamanya kalau kait utk diri sendiri...bila kait utk org, dia jadi laju sikit..semangat dia lebih...:-)
hi,you are very creative..i like youR work. how can you put the letters in your bags. teach me please.. :D
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